Sunday, October 8, 2017

THE HITMAN'S BODYGUARD (2017) Ryan Reynolds, Samuel Jackson, Gary Oldman, Elodie Yung

Director:     Patrick Hughes
Writer:        Tom O’Connor
Actors:       Ryan Reynolds, Samuel Jackson, Gary Oldman, Elodie Yung

The title of this movie suggests crime, violence and suspense thriller, right?  To my happy surprise, it’s also a fun comedy.  Samuel Jackson’s character (Darius) has witnessed a crime and is set to testify in court.  The criminal he’s testifying against doesn’t want him alive, so a lot of bad guys are trying to kill Darius.  In fact, a task force headed by Elodie Yung (Amelia) is assigned to protect him until the trial.

Unfortunately, the task force team members keep getting killed.  So, Amelia knows someone who is the best when it comes to being a bodyguard.  This is Ryan Reynolds (Michael) who wants to be on the straight and non-criminal path.  Amelia, his ex, persuades him to take on the task of keeping Darius alive until the trial.

The chase and fight scenes are well choreographed and include some “make-fun-of-itself” moments, but it’s the “buddy” chemistry between Jackson and Reynolds that create a funny, enjoyable movie.  Salma Hayek, as Jackson’s wife, is hilarious and affecting as the tough tootsie with a dirty mouth who’s captured Jackson’s heart.  As usual, Gary Oldman is at his villainous best.

While the storyline is predictable, it’s a delight to watch Reynolds portray a tough guy who deals with murderous thugs.  His character is likable and charming.  He treats his job akin to a janitor cleaning out the toilet, “It’s a stinky job, so let’s do it and move on.”  He dispatches killers with effortless ease.  It takes a lot more effort for him to deal with Jackson’s crazy-guy attitude.  All in all, this is a fun movie.

TAGS:  Hitman’s Bodyguard, Ryan Reynolds, Samuel Jackson, suspense thriller, comedy, Patrick Hughes, Tom O’Connor, Gary Oldman, Elodie Yung

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