Wednesday, February 15, 2017

HIDDEN FIGURES (2016) - Olivia Spencer, Taraji P. Henson, Janelle Monae, Kevin Costner

Director:     Theodore Melfi
Writers:       Allison Schroeder, Theodore Melfi
Actors:        Taraji P. Henson, Octavia Spencer, Janelle Monae, Kevin Costner

This title is apt but somehow doesn’t suggest the history, the passion and the magnificent humanity of this movie.  It is a fine example of how we humans who exist in a duality view of black/white and bad/good are forced to face the mirror of ourselves and come to terms with the fact that “we all piss the same color.”

What makes this movie so engaging and satisfying is that it’s as much about the evolution of our souls as it is about the evolution of our space technology. 

The three African-American actresses who portray the three genius-level mathematicians during the early NASA days are magnificent and iconic in their roles.  We understand them, feel them and see them as the stellar human beings they are.  They each find a moment to glow in the spotlight which brings up that lump in my throat.

In my opinion, they all deserved “Best Actress” nominations, but, yes, if I had to choose, it would probably be Olivia Spencer.  In one scene, she has to reveal to us her self-righteous indignation, her staunch refusal to surrender to inevitability, her stubborn pride and passionate courage.  While Taraji Henson and Janelle Monae have similar scenes, the element Spencer chooses to overlay all that is heart-rending vulnerability and, for me, that wins the ticket.

Director Theodore Melfi hits all the right notes and elicits great work from all his crew and actors.  Kevin Costner does a fine job of being the team leader, led by his heart and not his mind.  He’s perfect in the role.  The script is excellent, telling us the story, point to point, in an efficient manner, without sacrificing heart and soul in the process.
GEN:  9;  JUST:  9;  HUVA:  10
TAGS:  Hidden Figures, space program, mathematicians, women, black, African-American, Taraji P. Henson, Olivia Spencer, Janelle Monae, Kevin Costner, Theodore Melfi, Allison Schroeder

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