Saturday, January 19, 2019

THE MULE (2018)

Director:     Clint Eastwood
Writers:      Sam Dolnick, Nick Schenk
Actors:       Clint Eastwood, Bradley Cooper, Manny Montana, Dianne Wiest, Andy Garcia, Michael Pena, Laurence Fishburne

Hooray for Clint Eastwood! What an honest, self-deprecating actor and director he reveals himself to be in this movie.  Those of us in the “senior” generation remember him as a beautiful specimen of a movie hero who could even carry a tune.

In this movie, he plays a 90-year-old horticulturalist who is guided into a life of "muling" drugs on behalf of a Mexican cartel.  His walk is slow and measured now, his voice trembly when he sings, but he is as he always has been – a stubborn, strong-willed man who has his own codes of what’s right and wrong in life.

As he did in his younger days, he depicts a heroic man who will not be steered away from his goal.  In a way, I suspect this is his personal exclamation point that, yeah, he’s no longer the hunky superhero, but he still hasn’t veered from his path of being true to himself.  

This movie is filled with surprising charm.  I giggled and cried and loved him as I always have.   As director, Eastwood knows how to bring out the humanity in his cast.  Eastwood even imbues the “bad guys” -- the cartel boss and his minions – with a certain amount of likability factor.  All the supporting cast acquit themselves competently.  Dianne Wiest, as always, captures the essence of gentleness beneath her tough exterior.

What I loved most about this movie is the honesty of life’s evolutionary journey, one containing mistakes, anger, hate, love, evil, and so many pitfalls.  Yet, throughout the journey, you can only do it “your way” since, after all, you are the one who reaps the ultimate consequences.

TAGS:  The Mule, Clint Eastwood, Bradley Cooper, Manny Montana, Dianne Wiest, Michael Pena, Andy Garcia, Laurence Fishburne

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