Sunday, October 29, 2017

BLADE RUNNER 2049 (2017 - Ryan Gosling, Harrison Ford, Robin Wright, Ana De Armas

Director:     Denis Villeneuve
Writer:        Hampton Fancher, Michael Green
Actors:       Ryan Gosling, Harrison Ford, Robin Wright, Ana De Armas

This is a sequel to the original “BLADE RUNNER” movie which was released in 1982.

At the time I saw the original, I found it so filled with mysterious subtext and incredible ideas that it took three viewings for me to “get” what the story is about.  The romance between Decker (Ford) and the replicant played by an impossibly beautiful Sean Young touched me at such a gut level, I’ve never been able to forget it.

I had so many questions:  Can an android really know what love is like?  If so, is love a spontaneous response to “memories”?  Is love simply the sum total of emotions generated by such memories?  And never mind that  I was blown away by the incredible potentials of AI technologies.

Well, this sequel has stirred up even more questions for me along those lines.  Ryan Gosling, as this movie’s new Blade Runner, is heartbreakingly believable as he unravels one mystery after another.  He sweeps us into the trauma of his dilemma and we have no choice but to hang on to his coat tails.  The storyline itself is brilliant in concept and resolution, and Villenueve directed this version with respectful homage to the original.  It is every bit as fascinating and mind-twisting as the 1982 version.

It was wonderful to see Ford in his “older” persona of Decker, still possessing all the passionate convictions which led him to the non-traditional choices of his past. 

Ultimately, the beauty of this movie is that while it is very much about the technological reality of our future, it is even more about the infinite possibilities of our human ability to love what we can remember and imagine about people and things.
Tags:   Blade Runner, Villenueve, Harrison Ford, Ryan Gosling, Robin Wright,  suspense, Sci-Fi, 

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